5 day old chick with leg broken/splayed/dislocated


6 Years
Mar 9, 2013
Central PA
What's wrong with this chicks leg? I've had him for 5 days and Monday is when I noticed his leg out of place... It wasn't always this bad. It doesn't seem to cause any pain and I had it in hobbles for a day but when I went to change the wrap it looked like it was worse. What can I do??
It looks like a slipped tendon or a disease called perosis. I can't be too sure because I have no personal experience with it. But researched it a lot when one of my own chicks was injured. People do have some success with treating it early. There is probably more info around here on the forums if you look up slipped tendon or perosis. Good Luck!
When you move the chick's splayed leg to the normal position, do you feel a pop in the hock area of the leg (where the leg bends and starts to meet the feathered part of leg)? If so, it could be a slipped achilles. In this case, you would want to make it a cast to keep it still and in the correct position. If it doesn't make a pop, then the tendon isn't dislocated, and it's just a splayed leg. In this case, you would attach some vet wrap (or a band aid) to keep it's legs in the correct position.
It doesn't pop at the hock, but I feel a pop at the hip area! When I tape the two legs together... the leg joint is still turned outward and i can't move the leg into the correct position unless I tuck the leg under the chick and tape around its body. But then it's completely immobile :/

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