5 Dead in 24hrs


In the Brooder
May 31, 2016
Well i must be doing something wrong.

My chicks are 5 to 7 weeks. I have them on medicated chicken feed.

I have bloody stools that i have started to notice ofver last few days. Now their dripping like flies. 5bdead in 24hr and 2 to 3 more on their way out.

What am i missing?
I would change feed if I were you and quarantine the sickly ones immediately away from the healthy ones. I've never really had a bunch die like that but it's got to be feed or disease related. So I would cover both bases as quickly as you can. Also this is more of a question for someone that knows way more than me can you feed medicated food for too long? This might actually be hurting them or I think maybe it could. I fed medicated for a week then pulled mine off of it. Also used electrolyte for the first week. I have never used either in the past so I don't know much about long term effects of medicated feed.
I would take a fecal sample in to the vet. It seems like I have read somewhere that they can still get cocci even while eating medicated feed.
I'm so sorry you are losing chickens! Hopefully some can be saved.
Called the vet. They need a fresh sample. By time i drive the 30 minutes chances of finding cocci are slim.. lets say it is cocci. What do i do to treat such young ones?

Im feeding countrybroad chick medicated. They are almost through the entire 25lb bag.

Would lack of using grit cause it? I just thought about the fact i havent given them any.
Make sure the brooder is in good condition. Chances are, it is a disease. Were the chicks vaccinated? I am not a chicken expert so I have nothing more to say. Sorry for your chick dilemma!
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I really don't think they would bleed like that from lack of grit and just drop. Maybe be weak because of no grit, if they are on dirt they are probably getting some grit from the dirt anyway

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