5 month old flock, found egg stash,can we still eat them?**UPDATE**pg2


10 Years
11 Years
Jan 24, 2009
McMinnville, Oregon
Hi All,
So early last week, my husband was mowing the lawn, and he found an egg under the magnolia tree...WOO HOO! Our first egg!!! 4 days later, I found one next to the nest boxes, then 2 days after that, I watched our EE lay one in the yard. Very cool! (my 3 yr old daughter got to see it too!)

So, this morning, I let my 5 hens out of the coop, and was out talking to them, when Abby, the EE disappeared! I couldn't find her anywhere!
Finally, I heard some clucking from behind the stack of hay bails, under a tarp...as I walked up to the hay, I was greeted by 2 eggs laying on the ground, then I lifted the tarp, and found the EE under it with ANOTHER 4 eggs!

So question #1:
Are these still okay to eat? I have NO idea how long they have been there, but probably no more than a week.

Question #2: How do I get these silly birds to lay in their boxes?!

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Do you have fake eggs in the egg boxes? golfballs will work. If they dont figure that out, try letting them stay in the coop till after they have layed thier eggs.

I would think that if they were not in direct sun, they should still be good, I would crack them into a bowl first, not directly into pan/cake mix etc...

congrats on the new egg layers.
Thanks for your insight = )
I will definitely try the fake eggs......that silly EE is DETERMINED to burrow behind those hay bales! I know she needs to lay, and if I let her out of the run, she dives for the hay! I will keep them all in the coop for a while, maybe she will give in.
Thanks again everyone!
I stop letting my BO's out to free range until around 4 pm, thats when they are usually done laying (sometimes). I too found various nest all over the place. Havent found any since the free-range time has been changed.
What time do you let yours out?
If you are sure they are less than a week old, go ahead and use them..

You can test an egg by floating it in a cup of water,, If it floats, throw it out..

and do like was suggested aboe. keep your chicks in until after they lay their eggs and do not crack the egg directly into what you are making..
Crack the eggs into a bowl before you use them. They should be fine. You might want to smell them first though, if they smell bad on the outside, toss them as far into the woods as you can!
I know eggs are still good for over a month or more in the refer. I don't think I would use them if they have been out side for more then a day or two.
Use your own judgement on that.
What are your temps where you are? Here, it's 100 degrees almost every day and I swear those eggs could incubate themselves. I wouldn't eat an egg outside in my yard if it's more than a day old...I might find a baby chickie
Float them in water - the air cell gets bigger as they age, so if it floats to the top: toss it, if it hovers: ok for baking, if it stays on the bottom: fresh.

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