5 month old hen can't stand.


11 Years
Jul 18, 2008
Shippensburg, PA
hen was laying down. Picked her up but she won't stand. She was fine yesterday. Comb looks fine. Will eat. Some have just started laying. Could she be egg bound? Any help is appreciated.
If she is egg bound she should be straining, liquid coming from her vent, and she shouldn't be eating. Egg binding is an emergency. You can feel the egg inside of her in most cases.

It could be other problems. Lately there have been a lot of cases of paralysis in chickens, including one of my own. We had to euthanize her.

Here's a link that talks about different diseases that cause paralysis and paralysis like symptoms:

Best of luck!
I would remove her for at least a little while, just to be careful. If you want, you can keep the crate near the other chickens, but this could get them sick if it is contagious.

Make sure she is drinking enough, getting good vitamins (important), and is comfortable.
Best of luck!
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