5 Sanjak's

OK one more time I just put 12 sanjak eggs in where going to see What happens I have never shipped any eggs this time of year lavere it is running on average 100゚ But since we have already seen a 110 I figured now is better than any My 1st baby's through a bad mishap with a grandchild and a dog One more time on this breed I really want an outcome. Told my grandchild no worries He's just gotta do better paying attention I need to do better paying attention behind them Thought I had it all covered but the one night I didn't go out with them But still I do not want him to feel bad at all about it Growing up I was cussed out for things like that I love my grandkids and really they're the reason I'm doing all of it My grandkids keep me going
Oh I gotta say thank you for my Post Office holding my eggs so my wife could go get them where they wouldn't get too hot in the truck

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