5+ week old - boys or girls?


In the Brooder
Dec 20, 2015
Pioneer, CA
I am a new chicken owner and my chickens are just over five weeks - there's 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 buff Orpingtons and 1 Plymouth Barred Rock. I'm having a hard time posting more than one or two pictures - can anybody tell just from these whether they are boys or girls?
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1st pic the PBR & the RIR looking at the feed maybe Cockerel, 3rd pic RIR in the lower right corner & PBR again looking Cockerel. From what I can see of the BO, 1st pic being the PBR looks Pullet, can't see the other. I'm really guessing cause can't see their combs/wattles very well....Could you get pics closer?
I'll have to take some more detailed pictures this weekend and I'll post a few of each chick with their name.
The Plymouth Barred Rock is so mellow I was hoping it was a girl, plus what I was reading it made it sound like the girls were darker like this one as the boys had more thicker white bars
I can't seem to find the button to start a new thread on my mobile app. So I'm posting new pictures of my 10 and a half week old Rhode Island red here - I'm pretty sure it's a boy. I've also posted a picture of him with the other Rhode Island red who I think is a girl.
I can't seem to find the button to start a new thread on my mobile app. So I'm posting new pictures of my 10 and a half week old Rhode Island red here - I'm pretty sure it's a boy. I've also posted a picture of him with the other Rhode Island red who I think is a girl.

It is a cockerel, the large comb and and pointed, shiny back feathers give it away. The other looks like a pullet.
Yes that's what I've been figuring from different people's input. Thank you so much for your comment I really appreciate it. Luckily I have found him a new home that I'll be taking him to in the next couple of weeks.

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