5 week old EE roo?

That pattern looks pretty girly to me.
Salmon on the chest is fine for a hen, it's red on the wings and patchy, uneven colors you have to watch out for in a roo.
Are you sure they're only 5 weeks old? They look really big and well feathered for that young age. The first bird's color pattern is pullety, but his comb (and that of his hatch mate) looks kind of red for a pullet of that age.
They hatched April 24th. Pictures were taken May 26th.I did not look at a calendar, but assumed it was about 5 weeks from pick up to photos.They were purchased at a feed store labelled as Araucana. I assumed that meant they were actually Easter Eggers. They seem large to me too, and well feathered out. They dwarf the 2 Salmon Faveroles we picked up the same day.

White Orpington foster mother with the EE chick and a Salmon Faveroles chick. Babies are same age.

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