5 week old roo goes to freezer camp


9 Years
Sep 9, 2010
I have 19 5 week old coturnix in a 18 sq. ft. pen. So the last few days every time I have gone out to the pen it has seemed like all of the birds have been flushing and running around like crazy, I figured it was me they were responding to. So yesterday morning I spent some extra time watching them and noticed one particular roo being very aggressive and pecking the head, eyes, and face of any bird that came close to him. And he was chasing them. I put some extra sand in their box for an added distraction and went to work.

I get home last night and there was blood all over the pen. (who would have figured
) one of the lesser males had a bald and swollen head. One of the hens (the bleeder) fortunately was only injured on the tip of her wing but that is what flung the blood all over. and all of the other bird were frantic.

I watched again for a while and sure enough the aggressive roo was causing a ruckus. Didn't take me but about 10 minutes to dress him out and pop him in the deep freeze.

The best thing is that now that the bad boy is gone, immediately all of the other bird were very calm and there was peace. Amazing how one bird can affect the dynamic of the whole pen.

Does anyone think that now that the trouble maker is gone another roo will resume the over the top behavior? Or is theere a chance that the peace will last for a while?
With my first batch of chicks, I had some cockerels, and I just let them eliminate themselves one by one. The ones that caused grief went to the feed store for sale. Eventually I ended up keeping 2 Polish roos, and 2 silkie roos. They were the best ever, and , (silkies separate pen) always got along with their brother. With the silkies, it was the 2 brothers and one pullet. Never a problem.

I think the ones that want to stay end up proving it!
I had the exact same thing happen, but there wasn't much blood when I culled. Those are the tastiest.

Mine stayed peaceful and that was more than a month ago if I remember correctly.
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i dressed out 2 jumbo roos yesterday.(10 weeks)
one had a bad crimp in his neck his entire life so i let him get big enough and culled. his brother went along too for a full meal. i have enough roos. time to cull out 2-3 more when i get around to it. i have new birds coming out of the brooder new ones going into the brooder and ones hatching as i speak. no time for un needed mouths to feed. ill feed mine

the fun never ends. plus today i moved a few roosters to different groups and so i need to be on watch to make sure they arent pulling feathers or drawing blood in any way. i normally do ok when i move JUST one cock to a pen with a bunch of hens. but quail can turn on you quick when you move them around.
He was very decent. Bones were covered well and he even had a little fat on him. Was feeding 28% GBS the entire time and no treats whatsoever. Of course Not as big as 8 weeks+ but I was mildly suprised.

This batch of Coturnix from the beginnning has seemed to grow faster and poop more than some other batches that I have had. Don't know why. However I think that maybe they may be the first batch of true Jumbos that I have had.
He was very decent. Bones were covered well and he even had a little fat on him. Was feeding 28% GBS the entire time and no treats whatsoever. Of course Not as big as 8 weeks+ but I was mildly suprised.

This batch of Coturnix from the beginnning has seemed to grow faster and poop more than some other batches that I have had. Don't know why. However I think that maybe they may be the first batch of true Jumbos that I have had.

don't give me ideas mine are still only 3 weeks and all female...

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