5 wk Barred Rock - Roo or Pullet??


6 Years
Mar 7, 2013
I've looked at pictures of 5 wk barred rock roos before and they all seem to have a pretty defining red comb at that age so I was sure mine was a pullet. But now I'm second guessing...we had another barred rock that we just lost to coccidiosis and she matured much faster than our current one and he/she has always been so much smaller than the rest of our babies. My girls have affectionately named it Little :) Little is really curious and not at all afraid of us and he/she will chase the other babies. But, there's no red comb yet so I just don't know. Here's some pictures...

Agree, but the big combs throwing me off, the right slate on the legs for a pullet. I breed BR and my pullets on 5 weeks, the combs aren't even off their heads at that age. Must be Hatchery
Looks exactly like my BR when they were that age. I have one hen that I thought was a roo for sure because her comb matured faster than the other one. But she's dark and has that dark wash down the front of her legs. I'll never admit it in front of my other chickens, but my BR are my favorite. ;)
Agree, but the big combs throwing me off, the right slate on the legs for a pullet. I breed BR and my pullets on 5 weeks, the combs aren't even off their heads at that age. Must be Hatchery
Now that you mention it, I should add that it could be a mutt cockerel. I know lots of folks think any barred bird is a Rock so if it was a farmer selling chicks from his mixed flock, I'd say to wait a couple weeks. But, if it came from a hatchery as a barred Rock, then it's just a big-combed girl. :)
Girl for sure! At this age my BR roo was white with black stripes very defined stripes I might add and red red comb working on some wattles too. Yours is a hen :)
I have a few BR hatchery hens with HUGE combs right now...like OMG the size of that thing puts some roosters combs to shame
but they are pullets for sure. Compared to the actual rooster we have.
Oh, I sure do hope it's a pullet! It is a hatchery barred rock, we got it from our local feed store. Thanks everyone for your guesses!!

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