50/50 girl/boy....REALLY????

I'm ordering from Ideal today and I'm hoping to get mostly pullets. I'm just starting out so it won't really do me any good to have a bunch of roos as I don't have any hens yet. lol
6 polish.. straight run.. looks like i have 3 roos (one crowed this morning for the first time).. so if i am right.. 50/50
15 EEs straight run.. so far looks like 50/50.. but they are just a week old... so i'll do a count later as soon as I am sure
15 buff orps.. pullets.. 100% pullets
15 silver laced wyandotte pullets.. 100% pullets

for the sexed birds.. so far all my pullets this year have been pullets.. no surprise roos in the mix
in the past i have gotten an odd roo here or there.. but this year has been good

i have a 43 chicks coming next week.. so i'll have to do an update later
The OP asked about straight run. That's the percentage of accuracy for sexed as pullets chicks. Out of six "pullets" I still got a roo, so I would say my luck with straight run will be more cockerels than pullets. I'm about to find out--I just ordered 22 straight run barred rocks, buff orpingtons and speckled Sussex. All are dual purpose, so after selecting the best roo of each breed for breeding the hens, I will use the rest of the roos for meat, so it won't be too horrible to get a lot of roos.
I ordered a strait run of meat birds and received about 75% cockerel and 25% pullet. It was ok for us though because they were meat birds...
I ordered from McMurray this year. At 10 weeks all of my sexed pullets look 100% girl. There were 4 straight run chicks in that batch, and it looks like 2 are cockerals. I hatched out 48 chicks under my broodies last spring/summer and I ended up with 22 cockerals and 26 pullets so I guess my odds have been about 50/50.
Ordered from a hatchery once, straight run. I ordered 8, got 6 pullets, 2 roos.
Since hatching some at home, I actually have really good luck with getting mostly pullets. I would say about 70-80% have been pullets. Of course I probably jinxed myself now, lol.
mine i hatch seem to be about 50/50 or a little either way each time... now when i go buy me a nice, gorgeous silkie from the feed store, i've been 2 for 2 roos!!!
i have too many roos now, my solution? getting rid of the mean/not as friendly or pretty GLWxs that i have, LOL. Also, the one chick i have from my silkie so far is a BOY.
And I bought sexed pullets and was hoping for 1 accidental roo and none. I'm not 100% sure but I think they're all pullets. Oh well. I should have ordered a couple of roos I guess.

Isn't that funny how it works out? Honestly, I think it is just a crap shoot. (Can I say that? I'm new and have no clue.)
we have 16 chicks and we think that only 5 are males... it is kinda annoying actually, as we were hoping for at most 8 hens, and instead we have 11..... Its typical how when u want all females, a lot are males.... but when u yould rather a lot of males, you get lots of females....

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