$50 vet charge for chicken diagnosis?

Ok, we're back! It came to $101!!!! They didn't know exactly what was wrong with her. I got worm medicine, diarhea medicine, prednisone and something else.
You are not crazy I paid 68 dollars for the vet to tell me my roo had a tummy ache My daughter paid 110 dollars to have her rat operated on for a tumor. Thats just the kind of people we are. If I take in an animal I have to provide the best care I can for it.
Your not crazy I just had 7 rocks/2 grapes and assorted biomatter pulled from my Brahma's crop, this is the same Brahma that I had to tube feed last summer to get her over some type of bacterial infection.

Might I suggest that you find a avain vet that is willing to do chickens. A basic vet isnt going to be as up to date on fun birdy diesases as a avain vet would be.

She is one of 2 out of 30 birds that are considered pets the other is a Self Blue silkie named Mort. the rest are considered livestock though the rooster did get stiched up after a fox attack.
Sonew123, so how is Judge Judy doing.? I remember when you ran a picture of her - I believe alongside the real judge. The resemblence was uncanny. I sent that around to everyone I know, they thought it was hysterical. I hope your girl can handle the stigma of looking like Judge Judy. PS your version is much nicer looking.
I really felt like the crazy chicken lady! Not only do I live "in town" (which they questioned) and have a small flock, now I find myself sitting at the vets office surrounded by dogs and owners yelling "Is THAT a CHICKEN?"!

The old vet was a farm vet, did house calls to the farm and so on, he's still there some. That is who I saw today. I am pretty confident that he's seen many a chicken in his career. He said she was skinny, so I am going to put her back on grower (instead of layena). I gave her all of her medications and crossing my fingers. We have to go back in a week. I'm hoping I'll have good news then.
Good luck!!!
I know what you mean about people looking at you like you are crazy. When I took Lindy in everyone was like thats a chicken. I said no a rooster. The kid that came to weigh him said I'll try to weigh him with the cage I said you can hold him he is used to it. He thought it was cool that Lindy let him pick him up and set very still to be weighed. We only have 1 vet in town that takes care of chicken and rats. They are good just a little expensive.
Imagine how you could freak the dog and cat people if you brought diapered chickens in, or with a harness, or hen protectors. Tell them your pet makes you breakfast.
My Bluebell is up to about $180.00 in vet bills and meds. She has recovered 100%
It was worth it for us. Once we name them - they get the best care that we can give them. She was an inside chicken for about 2 weeks although my husband thinks that the last week she may have been faking it for the raisins and xbox...
Our friends laughed at us - we don't care.

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