55 gallon Water nipple system + Gravity fed Feeding tube...

I planned on shutting it down in the winter.. and going back to the water bucket. I might be able to heat the water, wrap the hose & PCV with heat tape.. or similar.. but I wasn't planning on messing with it.

I have heard of people putting the fish tank heaters in them in the winter but that was for five gallons. You could easily get a stock tank heater for that many gallons and put it in there. Just would want to make sure it wasn't sitting right on the nipples so it wouldn't melt them or make them hot.
Ok, I've added an inside shot of the home made gravity feeder. When I first made it, I cut a slot all the way down the pvc pipe on the piece that was going into the coop.. but then I found.. there was no friction when I put the end cap and the elbow on it.. the glue wouldn't hold it..
So I tossed that piece.. cut a new piece, 16" in length, refit the pieces together.. marked where the end cap and the elbow would be on the pipe once it was inserted all the way.. then took them back off and used a jigsaw to cut the slot out for the feed.

Worked that time.
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