6 hour drive with 3 day old chicks


The Cuckoo Lady
Premium Feather Member
Jul 23, 2023
Atascadero, CA
So, due to a family member having a stroke we have to drive 6 hours away to spend the weekend helping get their house ready for them to go home. Unfortunately I will have, three, three day old chicks... I need to bring them with me. I plan to bring their brooder and light; but for the car ride, should I make a pit stop and let them drink? I have a heat pack that I'm going to put in with them in the box to keep them warm. I planned to keep the box closed up otherwise.

Any advice is appreciated.
Can you post a picture of the box? Do you mean a cardboard box? If so, you can cut some small (!) holes in it for ventilation. You need to be sure they don't escape.

They will need a source of heat at 3 days old, so be sure you have enough heat packs.

I would give them a chance to get a drink. Maybe every two hours? You'll need potty and gas stops on the way.

Hoping your family member recovers.
Do you have a heating pad without a timer?
I have something similar to this I use for camping... Comes in handy for power cords where there's no power hook up.

Same question as Sally PB, cardboard? I have to drive about an hour from feed store to my home with day old chicks and even just that is nerve wracking with cardboard. I put the box in my front seat with the heater on but you don't really know what temps are happening in the cardboard, closed lid box. I put a thermometer in there and check it when I can but that's dangerous for driving and always checking.... I definitely think you should have a box with air flow, how ever you can do that. Like hardware cloth on top of a plastic tub, with a cuddle box inside tub (little box with a old T-shirt.... ) Heat from the car and the heat packs should be good. Food and stops for water for sure. I do think they're be fine if you do it right. Good luck!
Thank you for the input, everyone.

I was going to transport them in a cardboard box up in the cab since the brooder is a 55 gallon tote. Plan is to fill the brooder with power tools while in transit and set it up in the house once we arrive, then break it down and repeat for the trip home. I have good wood shavings in the brooder so I'll cap it off with cardboard sheets while the tools are in the tote. I'm also bringing my good extension cords and custom mount for the heat lamp.

I do have a power inverter and a heating pad, that's a good idea. I can easily use some hardware cloth and 1"x1" to make a lid for the box tomorrow. It's a heavy duty cardboard box, triple ply! 😂
Even worse is that I have long covid.... HOWEVER, I now have 6 chicks for the next two weeks since I'm brooding two more for my sister in law.... She has 5 that are being brooded by our friend until we're back from family vacation on the 14th. I added two more to my brooder for her so now she has 7. CHICKEN MATH! Plus my 4 babies are happy to have the additional company... they all pile up for nap time.
Even worse is that I have long covid.... HOWEVER, I now have 6 chicks for the next two weeks since I'm brooding two more for my sister in law.... She has 5 that are being brooded by our friend until we're back from family vacation on the 14th. I added two more to my brooder for her so now she has 7. CHICKEN MATH! Plus my 4 babies are happy to have the additional company... they all pile up for nap time.
All of this to keep the chicks the same age. Lol

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