6 month old Rhode Island Red, scabby/bald base of tail


5 Years
Aug 17, 2018
Hello! Relatively new to chicken keeping (got chicks in march). So I just noticed today that one of my four birds had bald-looking tailfeathers. I had a closer look and found scabby, gross looking skin and one weird nipple-looking growth (bout a quarter inch or so and skinny). Didn't end up with a picture of that in particular, it was difficult to get photos at all since I had to hold the chicken with both hands while my elderly mother tried her best to take photos without shaking the camera too much.

The bird otherwise doesn't seem distressed and is moving around/eating/drinking normally from what I can tell. I don't spend a whole awful lot of time keeping an eye on them anymore (I spent a lot more time watching them earlier on before it started getting too hot here (TX) to stay outside very long) since they're permanently coop-bound. (5x10 run is built into coop. Can't freerange as I'm in the middle of town). So I don't know if any of the other chickens are bullying it or pulling its feathers. I haven't seen any traces of blood and everything else seems par for the course.

I didn't take a look at the cloaca but nothing jumped out at me from my cursory glances at the bird from behind as I held it up. Just a lot of crusty nastiness around the base of the tail. Hoping it's not bugs and I didn't notice anything crawling around on it, but if it is, what's the best course of action? Diatomaceous earth? Some other powder pesticide thing? Home made solutions? Brand names, etc would be appreciated.

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Hoping it's not bugs and I didn't notice anything crawling around on it, but if it is, what's the best course of action? Diatomaceous earth? Some other powder pesticide thing? Home made solutions? Brand names, etc would be appreciated.
Sorry, you're having some trouble.

That bruise looks like it might be an injury. But there is DEFINITE signs of parasite damage on those feathers. DE is over rated crap don't bring it to your house. Get a product with permethrin in it, I like spray because it stays on the birds when they shake out instead of going up my nose...

It's safe, effective, affordable, easy to use, labeled for use in chickens with no withdrawal time for eggs when use according to directions. Comes under different names (and strengths you must mix) like Martin's, sold in the equine section.

I treat all birds after dark after roost so I chase no one. Keep it dark and use a flashlight. Part feathers under the vent and spritz on the skin. Repeat under each wing pit and to the nape of the neck. The bird does not need to be drenched. Treat again in 7-10 days, according to directions depending on whether treating for lice or mites. These are serious pests. I'm all for organic IF it works. Don't waste your time on homemade stuff. There is another product called elector PSP, that is organic but pricier if you prefer that route.

Not sure about the growth. They do have a preen gland in front of the tail. And bugs can cause scabs or egg sacks. Or it could be a legitimate growth... :confused:

X2 everything posted above!
Here is a link that might help you in IDing mites/lice:
Over crowding may be contributing to feather picking depending on how many birds you have in that space.
Here are a couple of pictures of the preen gland, to see if that's the lump you were seeing:

Thank you guys. I'll see if my local tractor supply has that spray stuff. And yes, what I saw was definitely the preen gland. I didn't want to make any assumptions about it since I'm not real knowledgeable on chicken anatomy.

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