6+ Very Rare Barred Holland Hatching Eggs


In the Brooder
11 Years
Dec 30, 2008
Up for your consideration today, I have 6 + of my very Rare arred Holland hatching eggs for sell.Contrary to its name, the Barred Holland Chicken was actually developed in New Jersey during the 1930s. The Holland Chicken was developed as an excellent dual purpose bird during a time when white eggs were rare and popular in the United States.

The Barred Holland Chicken is a very rare breed and availability may be limited, but they are great layers of large white eggs and they make superb a superb backyard breed. This breed forages well, is calm and pretty hardy in the winter time. They will go broody and are good setters, and they bear confinement well. In fact the Barred Holland Chicken is known to be an extremely adaptable bird to almost any environment. They have cheerful personalities and when available are a great choice for your backyard or barnyard chicken collection.

When I purchased my flock, I was told that they were less than 4 known flocks in the US. My farm is NPIP certified Ga # 1094, and we are memers and proud to be in good standings with the APA and many more associations.

We all know that purchasing eggs off of the internet is a gamble, but I promise you 10+ fresh fertile eggs, but I can't control how they are treated by the postal service. Pls leave your feedack on the condition of your eggs when they arrive.

Thanks for looking at my auction, and don't miss the opportunity to aquire such a rare commodity to add to your backyard flock.
Eggs will ship 12/19. Give your honey the coolest Christmas gift ever!
No, just so you know I purchased them from a private breeder, that to my knowledge hasn't sold anymore. Poconofarms is who I bought my stock from. Thanks much for your interest!
i assume the post office is closed on monday - - the banks are. just an fyi.

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