6 week old Araucana chicks - can we tell what sex they are


May 19, 2016

we've got two 6 week old Araucana chicks, and are wondering if it is already possible to say what sex they are? We can't have roosters where we live, so any boys have to go back to where we got them from.

This is Omlette. It has beautiful grey legs.

and this is Scrambles. This one seems to be bit slower in feathering in and has yellow legs.

We've seen both do the chest-to-chest bump. Not sure if that's an indication. We've bought them unsexed as pure breads. I can't see any pointy hackle or saddle feathers yet. Maybe it's too early to say and we just have to be patient....

thanks in advance!

I can assure you that they are not pure bred araucanas. I'm no expert on them, but the fact that they have different coloured legs is an obvious sign that their provenance is not correct. It's too early for hackle and saddle feathers (probably about 6 weeks too early yet), but they both have darker red patches on their wings which may indicate that they are both cockerels, but it's early to say for sure, in my opinion.
Thanks rebrascora, not surprised they are not pure bred, however that's what they were sold as. Hopefully they lay blue eggs though, should one be a girl!
Definitely not Araucanas, they are a rump less chicken breed (tail less). Look like Easter Eggers to me (often sold as Ameraucanas or Araucanas). A little to young to say for sure but I think Omlette is looking pretty suspicious.
Ah, forgot to mention we are in Australia, Australian Araucana are recognised rumpless and rumped, so that's not a red flag :)

will post again once we know more about the sex of our little chicken friends.

I'm getting a roo-vibe from Omlette, not so much from Scrambles

I love those grey legs! That's going to be one striking bird when it's mature.

Both Araucanas turned out to be boys, unfortunately. Scrambles started crowing yesterday. They will be returned to the farm where they came from, and I will have to live without blue/green eggs :-(

here some pics of the boys now at 14 weeks:




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