6 week old chicks with the poops :(


Apr 22, 2017
Thessalon, ontario
They are eating and drinking fine they appear to be happy they are not acting different at all , however they have the poops . Could it be the fact that this is there first couple days in the outdoor coop?
Any help would sure mean a lot thanks
Again, what are the poops like? It's impossible to tell what's going on without a bit more detail - they might just be too hot for example and be drinking more water to cool themselves off....
As long as they behave just fine, I would just keep an eye on it. If there are weeds in their run they might have helped themselves to a lot if it, and probably more bugs, too, so it might just be the sudden change in diet. Make sure there are no toxic weeds in their run - when they free range that is not a big issue as they have so much choice they will avoid anything not good for them but confined they will eat the good stuff quiickly and scratch up the ground and eventually peck at the toxic stuff out of boredom...
I second the ACV, it helps with the stress from moving to a new environment.
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