6 Week Old Pullet Smells Bad *Update: Cocci or Coryza?*

Just read the link. They match most of the descriptions. *sigh* Oh, by the way, the feed store has Sulmet. Would that work? Or is it for different uses? I don't remember which kind though, but I had quickly read the back and it said something about Chickens and Coryza. I can probably go back tomorrow to get it if it would work. The Corid would come in on Monday, but I was wondering if it would be better to get Sulmet one day sooner than Corid one day later.
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What I do know about sulmet is that it's harsher on their system than Corid is. Hopefully somebody who knows more about sulmet will come along and help out.
My gut feeling is that you should go ahead and get the sulmet and start them on it.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]From typing Sulmet into the search here on BYC I found that Sulmet treats two types of cocci, fowl cholera, coryza, and pullorum.[/FONT]
If I were you, I would get the Sulmet today and start them on the dosage.
The feed store closed at 5:00. I'm hoping that it is open tomorrow. Just gave them more Milk Kefir. My mom wanted me to, so I figured that it couldn't do any harm. They love it :hmm I know someone who gives it to her chickens regularly, and her home made food is made with kefir. The chicks haven't had any Cocci yet, so I'm assuming it's good for them.
No Sulmet... Ordering Corid. It'll be here Wednesday...
Will they last that long?
Have you you read about Infectious Coryza?
Here is a link.

The part about the bad smell makes me think they have this maybe.
The smell is a putrid smell from their face area, and is the best way to tell they have this disease and not another. I have a few chickens now with it.
The eyes watering or bubbles in the corners sometimes does not happen with this. I have a few with this disease and all of them have different symptoms, however the smell in all them is the same.
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Hmm.. her nostrils do click, and she sneezes a lot, and she breathes with her mouth open... And she smells horrible... Now I have three things to narrow down; Coryza, Cocci, and her being allergic to the medicine in the feed. (A chicken farmer down the road told me this.)

Oh and an update on Petrie: No more tail-down and head tucked in. Well, her tail is still down but most of the time it's up now. Could the Kefir be helping? Or is it something that's healing on it's own? Should we get her non-medicated feed? What the chicken farmer said:

"It sounds to me like she's allergic to the medication in the feed. Keep the other chickens on Medicated feed, but feed Petrie non-medicated."

How do I keep one from eating the medicated?
Sneezes alot? Where did that symptom come from?

I would start the whole lot of them on the antibiotic of choice for coryza. It is highly contagious and you need to treat. The odds of Petrie being allergic to the feed is slime and wouldn't cause the other symptoms even if she was.

Thanks, Rockyriver for bringing this possibility to the OP's attention!
OP = original poster :)

Please get meds and start treating your babies...you really sound like you love them and I don't want anything to happen to them!
Thanks :3

Yes, I love them. My parents get annoyed when I ask, but I will bug them until I get Sulmet (which treats both, I think. The label said it did.) Does Corid treat Coryza too? And will Sulmit hurt them if they don't have Coryza or Cocci (my father's question ._.)

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