6 week old suddenly not walking


Thought this might matter.

We've been crazy in temps all month of April. Night temps under 32F, day temps upwards of 65 at times, major temp swings...

Chicks have been kept in a plenty dry & warm enviroment.

I have seen zero evidence of worms.
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I'm a bit rough around the edges, I know. I'm sorry for that.
As far as the chicken goes, we're going to start calling this one 'Mira' (Me-Rah), short for Miracle.

It is a Miracle that we have had 40 Chickens, 4 different breeds, each hatched at different times at different places, with 30 unvac'd and 10 vac'd for cocco, and we've had ZERO deaths/problems.

So this Chicken is called Miracle.

I'm 99.9% sure that this Chicken is NOT sick.

I'm taking her to the Vet tomorrow to attempt to deflate a punctured lung, as I don't have the necessary needles/such to get the job done here.

No extra money this month in the budget to cover the cost, but I see it as a learning experience.

I'm hoping the Vet will teach me how to do it myself in the future, as I plan on keeping chickens for the rest of my life, and this is something I need to know.

The white poop I'm 99% positive is only because she isn't eating much. She HURTS, we know what a collapsed lung feels like as Echo has had hers collapse 5 times, and since part of it removed to prevent it happening again. It is not fun. All urine and little food = pile of white poop... I'm hoping.

Without the information located on this website, this is something I don't think I would have put together.

Mostly what makes me believe this, and we'll find out tomorrow..

When the chicken is gasping, its tongue is off to one side. I don't see any air pockets on its body, but its a tell tale sign on a human that they have lung sack damage when their throat and tongue start moving to one side... at least that is what they said in "Combat Life-Savers" Army Medical Course we had to take.

Hats off all, here's crossing our fingers for tomorrow, and expensive poke with a needle, (Vet Visit) and a healthy chicken... I pray.

Also, took an 8 second video to test if I can just use EZGif to turn them to a gif and upload that way.


  • 20240503_MiraGasping.gif
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