60 degree weather OK for 6 week old chicks?


9 Years
Mar 23, 2010
Portland, Oregon
Just what the subject says! The weather hovers around the 60's nowadays. There's a fence around the yard, but I prefer watching them. I'm pretty sure it's OK if its not wet/raining ...? I could be wrong ...
It is for mine, but they are acclimated.
They've been outside for weeks now with a lamp, just turned it off 2 nights ago they are about 6 weeks, overnight temps in the 50-60s.
We have them in a brooder with a heat lamp in the garage. We're going to try turning it off during the day as long as the temperatures are a little over 60 degrees. We'll do that for a while, then take them off the lamp completely, then bring them to the coop. Is this process too long?
My chicks are six weeks and go completely without any heat lamps. They're outdoors in a pen, temps in the 70s during the day, 50s at night. They're just fine.
Once they get their feathers, they're tough little boogers.
LOL . . . I have two Madagascar games . . . naked necks that show all the way down to their crops and only half the feathers that a chicken should have. "Rough" isn't strong enough a word!!!
We have them in a brooder with a heat lamp in the garage. We're going to try turning it off during the day as long as the temperatures are a little over 60 degrees. We'll do that for a while, then take them off the lamp completely, then bring them to the coop. Is this process too long?
They will be đź‘Ť
It is fine. My 4 1/2 week old chicks go out every day and it has been raining as well for the past few days. As long as they aren’t huddled up then don’t worry about it
Mine are 7 weeks I removed the heat about a week and 1/2 before the went outside and even inside we had some cold weather. Took then outside after that. Caught them snuggling up with each other and four of them snuggled with my 9 year old hen. They seem to be doing well. We had rain last night but in the coop they did well. Hope this helps a bit.♡
I had my 3 week olds in temps colder than that, they were fine and happy as clams. I would only worry about 6 week olds if you were facing extreme cold, but 60 is perfect weather for chickens

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