60 yr old grandma becomes chicken farmer


5 Years
Jun 25, 2014
Hello everyone. I am a grandma of 2 wonderful grandchildren. I live is a small town in IL population 20K. I grow a garden so I can can my own food for my grandchildren and now I want organic eggs for m y grandchildren and myself (smile). Today i have Been spending most of the day reading other chicken lovers post. I decided 3 months ago to get 4 Rhode Island red pullets. I spent many many hours searching the internet on raising pullets for eggs. I bought a coop and made my own run (that was a joke) I fed my chicks watermelon today for the first time and now everytime I come near their cage - they run to me like expecting more watermelon. I think I created 4 monsters. i also think one of my pullets is actually a rooster. This certain pullet is bigger and prettier then the other 3 but I am sure I will find out soon enough. So hello everyone and I am so glad I found this website.
If you put up photos of your "suspected" rooster we may be able to confirm or deny, for you. There is also a thread " what breed or gender is this?" You sound like a wonderful grandma - with some very lucky grandchildren.

Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Yes, I think they are going to stalk you for watermelon for the rest of your days!!!

Make yourself at home here on BYC. Enjoy your wonderful flock and welcome to ours!

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