6th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2015 Hatch-A-Long

Well just two days ago I got my first hatch of this month. Not really good out of 7 I got 2. I still have others pending. Then I found out my chooks have the Avian poxs. I hope I can join on Dec 11th.
Well just two days ago I got my first hatch of this month. Not really good out of 7 I got 2. I still have others pending. Then I found out my chooks have the Avian poxs. I hope I can join on Dec 11th.
I am sorry about the fowl pox.

@casportpony has good information about treating it.
#1 cause of exposed viscera is high temperature.
#2 is heredity
Oh, that is good to know. Thanks! I checked the last 15 eggs and they were all dead. One of those had the internal organs exposed as well. One had its brain on the outside and one had a deformed head and very extreme cross beak. So those were pretty obvious to see why they didn't hatch. 2 looked like they died probably day 19 or so - they were still kinda smallish and had the full yolk still yet. The rest looked like they died right at pipping time. They were properly positioned, yolk fully or almost fully absorbed, and no visible deformities or other problems. They just never pipped the membrane. So not sure what happened there.
So, if high temperature is a possible cause, I'll have to do more spot checks to make sure I haven't got any hot spots I missed the first few times. If not, maybe both eggs came from the same hen and it might be hereditary.

Also shipping stress. That one is not usually mentioned because the studies are using hatchery eggs that are not shipped.
These were all my eggs, gathered fresh and not shipped. So that wasn't the cause in this case.

I saw this on Facebook and had to share! It was funny when I saw it. Good Morning everyone!!! Have a great day and an early HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you all!!!

Well just two days ago I got my first hatch of this month. Not really good out of 7 I got 2. I still have others pending. Then I found out my chooks have the Avian poxs. I hope I can join on Dec 11th.
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about the avian pox.
I hope you can get it treated.
I put my Marans Roo and his two hens, and my olive egger in a pen of their own away from the big flock. I have some 5 month old Ameraucana roos that I badly want to see mating the hens so I can have EE eggs. I just don't think it will happen in time. My hope is that without the Marans Roo that the younger Roosters ones will Man up? LOL

Bet it's smelling good in your house..and many others. The turkey is not cooking in my home tonight. Going to my sister's son's home. Bigger home than ours. My side of the family this yr. and not at a kids. It will be good to see that side of family this yr. Then, I will be cooking a turkey here at home on Fri.
Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

May your festivities be uniting and loving; your travels, safe and sober.

See you on the other side of this food coma!

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