6th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2015 Hatch-A-Long


Must watch to the end..yes you must, I love the eyes..lol.

Hope everyone has had a wonderful morning, and has a great day. We got out snow!!!! Yaay, after so much rain, and it's just how we like it.
You can't see it, but it is still coming down...softly. :D The chickens will not come out into the yard..of course!

Took a close up of a fence across the street to show how the snow is falling.
I know a lot of you have had it for a while, but this is really different to not have
snow, until Christmas Day!

My little Dachshund doesn't care for it much.. but.............

My Golden loves it!! Ha..

She knows not to come into the coop/run..
Great Photos. So much snow!
The EE's were impossible to candle, so didn't know really what was going on inside. However, the air cell hadn't budged since Day 7 candling and this time around they had that wonderful barren glow. These were farmers market eggs, anyway, and just confirmed my suspicions that the sellers would say anything to get their eggs sold. Just 1 out of the 23 set of the farmers market eggs is in the running and, actually, has the best embryo of my 3 viable eggs.

TJ's eggs.... easy to candle! Bet you have a banner hatch.

I will check on them soon and let you know.
I finally caught up with the posts and candled the eggs. So far all 11 are developing including the dented egg. I caught our Golden Buff a.k.a. Buffie in the broody box again, got her out and into another box just in time before our broody BO hen came back to the nest. We don't need her trying to add more eggs to the hopefully soon to be hatching eggs.
We had to redo our Gamefowl/EE area "AGAIN"
today for the rain that is coming tomorrow and continuing through Sunday or Monday. The rain we got just before Christmas caused part of their pen to nearly cave in. I hope we got it right this time so I can work on other things. Now that Christmas is over and things are calming down around here (I hope) I will try to get the broody/hopefully chick area fenced in from the other chickens.
I had that happen with a couple of shipped eggs.... Which end is the pointy end? They were so symmetrical.... So into a bowl of water to see which end was lifted due to the air cell.
Oh...that's so good to know. I have some that are hard to tell which end is up.
GM! This is what I woke up too. One hatched about 30 min ago and the others are pending. I give them 3 days.
Such cute babies!!
Ready for this Roan? If anyone wants me to do one, just ask, I have fun with them.
That's too cool!
While I was shocked, scared, sick, husband was just in wonder and happy with the news and started right away talking about baby names. LOL
Hooray!! So happy for you!
I finally caught up with the posts and candled the eggs. So far all 11 are developing including the dented egg. I caught our Golden Buff a.k.a. Buffie in the broody box again, got her out and into another box just in time before our broody BO hen came back to the nest. We don't need her trying to add more eggs to the hopefully soon to be hatching eggs.
We had to redo our Gamefowl/EE area "AGAIN"
today for the rain that is coming tomorrow and continuing through Sunday or Monday. The rain we got just before Christmas caused part of their pen to nearly cave in. I hope we got it right this time so I can work on other things. Now that Christmas is over and things are calming down around here (I hope) I will try to get the broody/hopefully chick area fenced in from the other chickens.

We are drying out in Woodland too. Today I put new shingles over the peak of the coop roof. I looks nice again! and the chickens will be much drier now.

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