6th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2015 Hatch-A-Long

I've got one solo egg going into the hatcher at lockdown. Then a couple of days later (on hatch day) the other two viable eggs go into...I don't know where. Maybe I'll just leave them in the Brinsea. Got to do the configuring as I've got one Brinsea, one Miller still air, one Genesis 1588 and 35 eggs starting incubating, and a split hatch.


It was nice to have three eggs jump around for me while candling today. Hope they all make it as chicks need friends.
Quote: It depends on how much of day 18 you want to be over. If I wanted all 24 hours of day 18 to be over then yes tomorrow at the exact same time I set the eggs lockdown would start.
However, I have plans for that exact time so I had planned to move the eggs to the hatching drawer tonight, a bit before day day 18 was over but well after day had started. Then I was going to increase the humidity and have a few hours to make sure the humidity got high enough. If not I could still open the door and add more surface area to the water.
I'm kind of confused, too. If I set on Dec 11, wouldn't that make today day 17? Or do you not count the first day as day 1? Lockdown starts tomorrow, right?

Dec. 11th at noon day 0
Dec. 12th at noon day 1
Dec. 13th at noon day 2
" " " "
Dec. 29th at noon day 18------------ LOCK DOWN
Dec. 30th at noon day 19
Dec. 31st at noon day 20
Jan. 1st at noon day 21------------- HATCH DAY

I hate math....I got to see it
I set a day early as my eggs always seem to take their sweet time IF they come out at all, lol. Moved mine to the hatcher tonight so I can have tomorrow to watch/adjust temp (work on Monday). Will also perfect humidity tomorrow. I probably will pull them out once more tomorrow to mark air sacs though. :)

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