6th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2015 Hatch-A-Long

OMG OMG OMG I just heard a peep AND saw a rock!!!!!


My GOSH, does it ever get UN-exciting!???!
It is ALWAYS exciting
I woke up to babies. There are 5 new pips as well.

Woke up at 4:05 to a very vocal chick. I figured it out real quick that our master bath is not the best place for hatching, as these little ones are just a singing. I left for work this morning with one out, and 5 more that had pipped. Humidity went up to 65%, but then came back to 59%. Wish I was home to watch, but my daughter will keep me updated.
Hi all,
I'm using the BYC app through my phone for the first time, so will keep this as short as I can and hop on the computer when I wake up in the morning.

Right now it's shortly after midnight in Western Australia..... So, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!!!

Today has been interesting to say the least. I woke to two chicks hatched and two eggs pipped.
Tonight I go to bed with SIX chicks hatched!!
Hoping for more, but I won't be heartbroken if there isn't. I finally have enough for a chance to start a line all over again.

I had to break my rule and open the incubator when a chick hatched at the wrong end and had a slightly unabsorbed yolk sac out because it was wrapped around it's foot!! I've never seen or heard of this happening before, but stepped in to help it unwrap it's foot so it would stop yanking on the yolk sac as it tried to free it's foot. I'll post pics tomorrow and get your opinion on it and why this happens.

My incubator is still stable and humidity is good, so hopefully I wake to more pips or chicks. I have two dozen more eggs to put in as soon as these are done hatching. (I can't put new eggs in to hatching temps and humidity can I?)
I foresee the need for another incubator

I hope hatch is going well for everyone else and AmberJem is finally seeng chicks? I know you're anxiously waiting

Will catch up on the thread and see, when the kids wake me up in less than 5 hours

Yolk problems do happen like that. A tea cup tall enough to fit in the incubator and not let the chick jump out it good for keeping it calm until the yolk absorbs and or falls off. Organs can be pulled out.
Good morning. Nothing happening here yet. My son swears he saw an egg move last night. I kinda wish I had layed them down instead of putting them in a carton! I'm trying not to be nervous. I need that nail biting emoticon!

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