6th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2015 Hatch-A-Long

Now this makes me sad, if we lived closer, I would give you a few of mine.  :/ 

Thanks for thinking of me.
There will be another hatch. As much as I don't want to I am going to open these eggs so I can study them..
Bosingleton..thats a crazy number of chicks. Love the bator!!
hmmm it didn't copy your post but I wanted to tell you that it looks like mama is going 5 for 5 with the cereal box eggs!!! 4 have hatched and the last one is zipping!!. These are all barnyard mixes but the seller has breeding groups of all her breeds. They just aren't separated into pens at this time of the year so there is a chance for purebred babies.and at this early point there is at least one who looks like it has a heavy Australorp influence :) I know it is too early to tell but there is at least one little penguin.

Of the 4 who have hatched 3 are mostly black/dark grey and the little that came out of the Marans egg is yellow.

Congrats to all who have pips zips and chicks! This is a great tradition and a great way to start 2015!!

If your hatch is going less well than you hoped, I am sorry.

Well I wish more hatched but only 8 did and they all are healthy looking,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Eggs 1- 10days old were only ones to

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