6th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2015 Hatch-A-Long

Crossing my fingers for ya. I'm just gonna wait it out. This is my 4th hatch the first 3 times I got a little over 50% hatch rate and almost all had chicks when I eggtopsied them. For some reason they just didn't internally pip. This time I started with 24 16 clears 8 that developed and so far 1 hatched. This is my worst attempt so far.
A Sex-linked is a mixed breed chick that you can tell the sex of by the down color or pattern. Certain crosses will produce a "sex link", for example a solid dark colored rooster over a barred hen will produce chicks where the boys have a light spot on their head and the girls won't. There's a whole thread on it; interesting stuff.
I will definitely be looking this up! Thanks!!!
cree57i where did you get your Marans? I would love to hatch some out this spring or summer. I have seven French Black Copper I got off the internet in the bator right now not due for two more weeks. I hope to have at least a couple hatch. This is my first attempt at this.

I got them from BYC member Raven1. I have whites, birchen, black and blue copper and cuckoo marans. I read they were originally from marsh lands which means they do well in TN. The weatherman said we could have up to 3 more inches of rain in the next 2 days.
there are great videos on youtube on this...I've really been trying to keep visit while waiting for my slow little chickies.
There are great videos. It works for me on the first day of hatch, after they fluff up and become perky, They are less alert and do not fight the process.
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