6th Annual BYC New Year's Day 2015 Hatch-A-Long

Still waiting on the marans and probably will be for a couple more days as their 21st day is today....
So do marans just take longer to hatch in general? Why is that?
I haven't hatched marans eggs, but I noticed Olive eggs take longer. My first hatch, the Olive eggs took about a day longer than the white shelled eggs (polish) . The shells are thicker because of the pigment on the outside, but I don't know why that affects hatch time.
edit: I lied, XD I did hatch marans this time, but they are Isabelle and the shells aren't that dark. I was thinking BCM when I wrote that. Anyway, my hatch order went (approximately ) like this: Silkies, Aracauna, Marans, Olive, some more Marans . I haven't gotten word on whether my Brabanter hatched, that is a light-colored egg, but also was the biggest. So maybe it's the size.
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Well, well, well.

The BLRW egg hatched last night and I took it out of the incubator this morning and put the chick into the brooder. Solo was peeping the head off about being lonely and now is screeching even louder "WHAT IN THE SAM HILL IS THIS THING?!?"
The new little chick, btw, is nonplussed and happily pecking at chick starter.

BUT there's one puzzle with the new chick.......

Why does my BLRW have feathered feet?
Because that is "not" a BLRW chick. Wrong color and feathered feet. I have hatched many chicks from my BLWs and never had one look like that. Sorry . .

So do marans just take longer to hatch in general? Why is that?
Mine always take a day or two longer. I think it is because they are large chicks and take a little longer to finish developing, but that is just a guess.
Well, well, well.

The BLRW egg hatched last night and I took it out of the incubator this morning and put the chick into the brooder. Solo was peeping the head off about being lonely and now is screeching even louder "WHAT IN THE SAM HILL IS THIS THING?!?"
The new little chick, btw, is nonplussed and happily pecking at chick starter.

BUT there's one puzzle with the new chick.......

Why does my BLRW have feathered feet?

Looks like you have a BLRW mix. VERY VERY cute though. I would contact the seller of the eggs to let them aware and to also find out the possible mix.
The seller also raises Seramas and BBS Marans. I think maybe there was a sneaky visiting roo...... The egg was clearly labeled BLRW. Oy.

A lot of breeders do not separate flocks correctly. The new Rooster has to be in the breeding pen for a month at least before all of the eggs will be clear of the old Rooster.

Many have the mistaken idea that the new rooster will push out the old roosters stuff.
That is a big mistake.
For those interested, here's a great read on sperm storage and a discussion of the sperm storage glands inside the cloaca and storage in the infundibulum.

I have a guy in MO that wanted to trade birds or eggs when I became NPIP certified. Luckily I talked to the guy doing the test and he had just tested the other guys birds a couple months earlier. He said he had too many breeds for his space and they weren't properly separated.

I Looked in the hatcher a couple hours ago (when the eggs were supposed to hatch) cause I couldn't see any activity. Two were zipping on the side away from the window so I closed it back up. Hopefully I didn't cause an issue. My hatcher holds humidity very well as there's a huge volume of humidified air moving around that takes a while to escape when the front door is open.
The chick that hatched yesterday morning needs friends.

Most of these eggs are the ones my wife washed the day I was going to set them. Then about a week ago the LG temp went up to 108.

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