7 month hen stopped laying


In the Brooder
5 Years
Dec 29, 2014
I am in San Diego my 7 month hen has been laying regularly for 3 or 4 months and has just stopped. She is not molting and seems in good health although I have noticed she seems to be drinking a lot. Any idea?
Try giving her laying pellets or anything with calcium such as oyster shells or crushed egg shells. other than the calcium and layer pellets the hen also needs a good quality feed that balances her diet. She also needs some light, probably about 12-15 hours per day. If she can't possibly get that much light consider adding a light bulb maybe.
We are in So Cal so plenty of daylight and she is getting layer pellets and oyster shell so I am at a loss to why this is happening. Worried it could be something wrong with her. She seems healthy and is eating fine.
Wow... are the chickens eating the eggs or are you even sure the chicken is a female? :D If not I'de wait for a while and see if she does start laying eggs again and if she still doesn't lay any eggs I'de just take her to a veterinarian or get rid of her.
Is she singing the egg song? If she does, she probably is still laying but could it be that something is eating or stealing her eggs? Say snake? Or any predator that can get inside your coop?
How weird my hen who is about the same age who was laying stopped laying like a month ago! But she's totally healthy! I'm also in the SD area! Must be something in the air.

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