7 month old chicken used to being inside, want to introduce to new flock in 12 degree weather


6 Years
Sep 14, 2013
The My friend had two 7 month old hens in his warm basement, the one I have was picking on the other too much. When I said yes to take her I didn't know she was an inside hen, being that it's 10 degrees in Chicago right now.... I have four hens that range from 3 years to 2 years old. I know to introduce at night and I have a 100 watt red light in my coop but I'm afraid the new chick will freeze to death bc the others won't be inviting. New chicks feathers feathers almost look air tight but I just don't know? Should I keep her inside til we get some warmer weather? Light for heat inside? Do you think that 40 degrees is warm enough- what temp can I put her out side ? Maybe in a cage with in the coop?Advice please
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I'd suggest reducing temperatures as gradually as possible. You have some good ideas , so take it as slowly as you can. That's just my opinion.

All the best ct
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x2 on CTKen's suggestion to do it slowly. The hen you're getting will have to adjust to a new home, new flock mates and being outside...that's a lot of changes to try to make all at once.
CTken gave you a great link - I would first get her slowly acclimated to being outside. The temps have been very bitter. Then (hopefully) try for the peaceful integration.

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