7 week old buff orpington gender?


7 Years
Jul 29, 2015
Is this a roo or a pullet? I thought pullet, but now I'm not so sure.

This pic was from about 2 weeks ago.

This one was last week.

This is from this week, she's 7 weeks old here.

Her (his?) comb and wattles have really grown over the last 2 weeks.
Looks like you got a bunch of little dudes there
All 3 in the front of that second photo look like potential cockerels to me too. The fourth one at the back behind the buff looks like a pullet though. 
Did you buy straight run?

I hatched them from eggs. I knew the 2 in front were roos, I was hoping to get at least 50/50 girls and boys. Oh well, it just means that I get to hatch more to get up to the 8 hens that I want

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