7 week old chick can't stand


7 Years
Apr 11, 2014
De Leon, Texas
I have a 7 week old barred bantam chick and she can't stand.

I checked for the pupils, all are normal and the eyes are a normal color. No sneezing, or blood in the poop. She is still active, but it looks as if she got trampled by the others.No other chick is like this, she is the only one, the others are still happy and moving around good. She peeps good, drinks, and eats, but her legs are a little lamed down so she doesn't move very much. Is this Marek's, or has she been injured from the others? I have an accidental large fowl chick in there that the hatchery gave me, so I would reckon she could've been the one to hurt the bantam. The hurt one has only shown this when I got home, she wasn't like this earlier today.

Edit: I also isolated her just in case with food and water.
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I have a 7 week old barred bantam chick and she can't stand.

I checked for the pupils, all are normal and the eyes are a normal color. No sneezing, or blood in the poop. She is still active, but it looks as if she got trampled by the others.No other chick is like this, she is the only one, the others are still happy and moving around good. She peeps good, drinks, and eats, but her legs are a little lamed down so she doesn't move very much. Is this Marek's, or has she been injured from the others? I have an accidental large fowl chick in there that the hatchery gave me, so I would reckon she could've been the one to hurt the bantam. The hurt one has only shown this when I got home, she wasn't like this earlier today.

Edit: I also isolated her just in case with food and water.

I've noticed she can move everything around pretty good including her thighs to 'walk', but she can hardly move the lower leg itself. She's not leaning to one side, so I'm guessing trampled?
She can stand a little bit using her thighs, or basically squatting highly. I have had no marek's near me and we have no wild birds though, so I don't know if its that or getting trampled. :( I will probably just have to wait and see.
If she's the only one it's probably not Marek's. I had a silkie with leg problems and she made due but towards the beginning she got stepped on once or twice. I hope she recovers for you
If she's the only one it's probably not Marek's. I had a silkie with leg problems and she made due but towards the beginning she got stepped on once or twice. I hope she recovers for you
I think she might've been trampled. I'll keep an eye on her and see if it gets better. If it was Marek's would it have affected others at this time only? And is it even that spontaneous?
Good news! She can finally get one leg up perfectly and use the other a little bit, but its still getting better. Still isolated with her own food and water, and I am still keeping a close eye in case of MD.
I had this happen to one of our chicks last year when she was about two or three weeks old. She was fine one minute, running around the yard with her mother, then the next thing we knew she was sitting and not moving at all.

We didn't see what happened, but we suspect one of the other older hens grabbed her feet, because we found an injured toe and she would not put any weight on one leg when she did manage to stand. We brought her inside in a dog kennel (with her mother and brother), and made sure she had easy access to the food and water and we gave her tiny bits of aspirin (1/4 of a baby aspirin) every few hours. She would not put any weight at all on that leg for a full day, but would manage a staggered hop or two on her good leg. She was determined to be mobile, and every day she started putting a little weight on it, and after a week she walked normally again.

I'm hoping that you have a similar situation. Good luck!

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