7 week old not eating/drinking


7 Years
Jul 22, 2012
Hello! I have been reading and learning so much from you all for quite some time....now I find I need some advice that I can't find an answer to via a "search forum".

I have a 7 week old Blue Splash Maran that is a runt. She was always behind the other chickies in development. I put them all out in the new coop almost 2 weeks ago and they are doing great. Then, night before last, I noticed "Runt" standing alone with closed eyes. I caught her and noticed her crop was empty. It had gotten kinda chilly that day (storm) and I thought maybe she got cold since she doesn't have all the feathers like the others. I brought her in and dribbled water in her beak, which she drank readily and then a very watered down food. I kept her in a crate and got her warm and fed throughout the night. The next morning she was eating and drinking on her own so I put her in the coop again. She was great all day, running around, eating food and grass. Then this morning, same story. It got down to mid 50's last night and I notice she does not roost with the others. I am afraid she is getting too cold at night? What do you think??? What should I do???

THanks all!!!

If you think she is getting to cold, I guess you have two choices. Provide some sort of heat in the coop or bring her in at night where she will be warmer. When she is more feathered out she will be able to tough it out like a big girl.
Yes I second that- keep her warm at night--- give it a week or so (back out during the day ) and see how it goes poor little thing.... I dont know what you do with a loner chicken/ bird that is not accepted by the others....
Update. Well, I got her through another down and out episode and then put her out in the morning. And, per the replies, I brought her in for a couple of nights. I was about to bring her in for a 3rd night when I noticed that she was roosting all snuggled up with a couple of other hens (she previously was roosting by herself) So, I figured she would stay nice and warm and YUP! She is doing great now and seems to be feathering out.

THank you.
Oh I just love happy endings!!!

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