75 degrees to 40 in the coop!

There's nothing to worry about those conditions -- they're fine well below freezing as well.

Your main concern with cold weather is to reduce drafts and making sure there is water available in liquid form! And please try to refrain from adding a heat lamp. They do just fine huddling up with each other -- you don't need to introduce a potential fire hazard. Last year we had a cold snap and two... TWO houses in our general area had coop fires from a poorly placed heat lamp during the same night! Fresh liquid water and plenty of food is all they need.

It's hard not to worry about them though, while I sit in a warm house.
I have read a couple of different books about how to take care of chickens and they say to feed them a little snack before bed. It helps them generate heat and keep warm at night. Hmmm, yes tummy don't quite see how that is funny. Sorry, just didn't get the joke.

Fred's Hens :

Feed them anything at night to activate energy. The whole corn makes them warm thing is mostly mythical.

Oh, and "tummy"? Really?
I have read a couple of different books about how to take care of chickens and they say to feed them a little snack before bed

The fact that someone wrote something in a book doesn't mean it's true, or that they even know what they are talking about

The feathers are what keeps them warm.

They should have food available all the time, so a "snack before bed" shouldn't be needed at all​
The fact that someone wrote something in a book doesn't mean it's true, or that they even know what they are talking about

The feathers are what keeps them warm.

They should have food available all the time, so a "snack before bed" shouldn't be needed at all


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