8-9 Week old wyandottes, welsummers for sale on Long Island, NY


In the Brooder
Jun 9, 2017
I have three wyandotte pullets (one silver laced and two golden laced) and four welsummer pullets.

They are all between 8 and 9 weeks old (the wyandottes are 9 weeks tomorrow, the welsummers are 8 weeks as of yesterday), fully feathered, living outside. They have been raised on organic chick starter feed.
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I have three wyandotte pullets (one silver laced and two golden laced) and four welsummer pullets.

They are all between 8 and 9 weeks old (the wyandottes are 9 weeks tomorrow, the welsummers are 8 weeks as of yesterday), fully feathered, living outside. They have been raised on organic chick starter feed.
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Are they still available? Have they been vaccinated against Marek's Disease? I am in Freeport, in Nassau County; where are you located?

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