8 month old hen, swollen rear


8 Years
Jul 31, 2015
I have one hen that has still not laid her first egg. I thought she was showing signs, nesting, etc, but now I think she's not well. She is lethargic, the other girls were picking on her (just moved her out of there) and when I looked her over she is very swollen in the area under her vent. I don't feel anything like an egg in there, as a matter of fact the swelling feels "squishy", not hard.

Is it possible that she's egg bound and I can't feel it? I didn't put my fingers inside- kinda squeamish about that. I read some other threads about warm baths, is that appropriate here? What options do I have at home?
OK, I've been reading more and now I'm wondering if this is a case of internal laying? If that's what it is, is it hopeless?

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