8 month old RIR's not laying!!!


6 Years
Apr 10, 2013
Hello to all of you!!! I am new to the BYC life-style, our family raised cattle and hogs as I was growing up. Anyway, this is my problem:

I bought some 8 month old RIR's (six of them) from a local feed supplier a week ago. I was told it could take 3-4 days before the flock starts laying and it is not unusual for them to take up to a week/week and a half. I have them on a Purina Layena Plus Omega 3 diet. I keep their 3.5 gallon waterer clean and filled. They get mealworms for treats. I let them out daily to get some extra exercise. Their coop, roost and run is of proper size and the laying boxes (3 of them) are as well. I live in East Texas, so I know they are getting almost 14 hours of light per day. I put one ceramic egg in each laying box to "give them a hint as to what to do." Instead of eggs, they are leaving me some very LARGE poops to clean up in the laying boxes. What am I doing wrong? I do have one hen that seems to be the "alpha" of the group. She will jump on some of the other hens and peck at them while they're out getting some exercise. I may be new to BYC but I am following all the "standard" guidlines. Any and all help will be very appreciated.
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I want to thank everyone here who assisted in answering my question - which is nobody. I got assistance from a local professor at our state university who specializes in poultry. His advice worked 100% and was instant in egg production - one day! I can say this because my neighbor has the other hens that were all from the same batch as mine and NONE of his are laying eggs yet. Again, thank you all for your assistance.
He gave me 4 simple suggestions:

1. Put a radio inside the coop with them so they get use to human voices and believe it or not - it also soothes them. He suggested a soft style of music. I did this and since I'm from East Texas I figured my chickens liked country music; which they did, but they liked old style country music best.

2. Put a light in the coop with them and run it for 24 hours. This helped as well.

3. Ensure that their water container is clean and filled everyday regardless of how big it is. I did this and they go through 2 gallons or more of water per day (I have 6 hens).

4. Let them roam around in the fenced in area I made for them for most of the day. I did this which meant I had to prop open the door to their coop.

I found out that the last two were just to get them some exercise and fresh water.

The two suggestions that were to aide in egg production were the light and the radio. Those are the two tricks he uses almost all the time he said. Hope it helps others as well.

**Just an update on my neighbor: He did the 4 suggestions that Dr. McGrath gave me and his hens layed eggs today!!!!!
I'm glad you got some advice. I'm having problems with my production and I'm going to try the light to see if it gets things a-going again. The last two weeks production has almost stopped.
Ive read that a light on for 24 hrs and no dark can stress them? Im going to try this as well as the radio bc my new 8 month olds ive had for aweek started laying wreally well now they almost stopped. How long do you do the music and light for?

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