8+ Porcelain,Blue,Splash SILKIES & Mille Fleur,Mottled,Frizzle COCHINS


10 Years
Mar 8, 2009
Southern Illinois
I am offering my first auction of the year. This is a very special auction and I'm only turning loose of these because my 3 incubators are full of 70 eggs already!

Included in this auction is bantam eggs from three different pens.

Pen #1 is a BEAUTIFUL porcelian silkie rooster and hen. She just started laying, and it laying an egg a day. I haven't been able to hatch any yet but I hate for these to go to waste so I thought i'd offer them. I cracked one open yesterday and it was fertile. They are from Broody's Brodello!




Pen #2 is a Mille Fleur Cochins rooster from BluffCountyShepherds with 2 Black Frizzled hens, 2 Mille Fleur Hens from Lynne, 1 SQ Blue hen from BlueMottie, and 1 LF blue cochin from Lynne. (I'm not sure if the LF lays. I've never seen a big egg in there.)


Pen #3 is a Blue Silkie rooster from Bobbi Porto with 3 Splash Hens from Cush N Tush. She told me her lines include Hattrick, Alan Standford, Bobbi Porto and others. These birds are very very nice. I've hatched quite a few babies that I think have show potential.

Hens have been broody and it's been pouring here for days so everything is a mess but I'll see if I can dig up any pictures of everyone.

Paypal only please.
These eggs will end on Monday and will ship out monday or tuesday morning.

I will ship all that is collected between now and shipping. I'm guessing it will be around 12+ eggs.

I'm in a hurry right now. But I promise to add some more pictures in just a little while.

Feel free to ask any questions.
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Silkie Pictures from last summer!



There is one lighter splash hen. I thought she was lavender at first, but I think she is just a light splash. I think it's very pretty.


This is the Mille Fleur Rooster.




Right now I have 4 Mille Fleur Cochin eggs, and 3 Blue/Spash Silkie eggs.
Tried to PM you but your inbox is full.

I am interested in some eggs from these beautiful birds, but need them for the following week (first week in May). Would it be possible to get some eggs from these birds sent out a little later than this batch?
Sorry about that. I did receive the message! Looking forward from hearing from you.

Thanks for the bid! Money is tight lately and this will help keep the chickies fat.

Will you have auctions for the Porcelain silkies later in the year? I could come and pick them up if possible and where in Southern Illinois do you live in?
I'm going to clean out my inbox right now.

Bad news folks. It's pouring rain today and so far not a chicken on the place has laid.
I'm hoping the sun comes out and we get a few eggies. It's been raining for days and i can tell it's getting hard on the birds. I lost one of the frizzles today. Don't know what happened. She was perfect yesterday but they always want to stay out in the rain so my guess is she just got wet and cold. Now the silkie rooster is acting weak. Gave all the birds a boost with some mixed up vitamins, eggs, food, electrolytes.

I "should" have more porcelain silkies auctions later on. Silkies drive me crazy some times. They will laid like crazy for a week then about the time I start collecting eggs is the time they go broody or they decide to stop laying.

I also have really nice white silkies, but at the time they are broody.

Right now I have 3 Blue/Splash Silkie eggs, and 3 MF project cochin eggs. There is also 2 eggs which I think I have decided are from the LF cochin. I don't think they are fertile though because she is so big and he is so small. So I won't include them unless someone really wants to give them a try.

The porcelain laid steady up until yesterday.
Hopefully she will pick up again and I will have some to include in the auction.

I will check nest boxes often today and update as soon as I get anything.

I live at zip 62233 if you want to mapquest it and see how far the distance is.

If anyone is interested in started birds instead I have some whites and a few splash that are around 6ish months old that I will be selling soon as well.

Went out and checked again. Porcelain has laid!

The frizzle hen was laying in the MF cochin pen, so I let her be and will collect it in a little while.
I have to work this morning and I'm unsure at the time if I will be home before auction end.

Eggs will be shipped tomorrow morning. I will be including eggs from today and any tomorrow if they are laid before I ship in the morning.

Paypal is to [email protected]

Thank you so much for your interest in my birds.

I'm hoping to add a Blue silke egg or two, at least 2 Mille Fleur and a porcelian today.

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