8 week old chicks without Mom

Thanks for advise. I may do just that, as atleast they go up into the coop because Mom was there (whether she wanted them or not!!)
Thanks for advise. I may do just that, as atleast they go up into the coop because Mom was there (whether she wanted them or not!!)
Will be interesting to see if mama hangs with the chicks or the big birds....and what the chicks do.
They'll be fine without Mama for heat, both day and night. As far as integration, you could let them out to range with the other birds, if you are there to supervise, and if you put your cats in. My cat also loves to chase chickens, and he doesn't much care how big they are. I think he does it just for entertainment, but I know he'd take down and kill a young one. Can you put a little chick sized door in your coop so the littles can come and go from both sides, but the bigs can't follow the littles to their safe haven? Azygous has done a brilliant job with this concept. IMO, after trying it both ways, it's easier to integrate when they're younger (before they get to full size) as long as they have safe places to escape to, and as long as you initially supervise, and have plenty of room in coop and run. Multiple feed stations, give them scratch during integration, fling it far and wide.

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