8 week old floppy chick?


9 Years
Oct 20, 2013
Southeast, IA
I have a chick that has been healthy since I brought her home about a month ago. I went out to the coop today and she was laying spralled out on her back.
I thought she was injured but everything seems to be okay other than that she is totally floppy and can't control much beyond her head and neck. When I put her up the the water and feed she is very happy to eat and drink. But lacks all control over thr rest of her body. It's like she is really drunk. Has anyone seen this?
Sorry your bird is having trouble. :(

Sounds a lot like it could be Marek's...

Some people will use a chicken sling to help support...


Are you able to post a short video using youtube or vimeo?
Ugh, thank you for the article. It is fantastic even if it has news I dont really want to hear. There was a sick chick at the feed store where I picked up this chick about a week after I brought mine home. I think it was too young to show meraks symptoms though so I will hope it isn't that other anything worse and will take precautions in case it is. Thank you.
Do you have a video of her or some photos of what she looks like?
What are you feeding her?
What does the poop look like?
How may other 8wk olds do you have?

At 8wks it very well could be Marek's disease. You still want to investigate other avenues, get a fecal float to rule out Coccidiosis overload, think if she may have eaten anything rotten or ingested poisons/toxins.
Vitamin E, B1 and egg for selenium may be helpful as well.
Do you have a video of her or some photos of what she looks like?
What are you feeding her?
What does the poop look like?
How may other 8wk olds do you have?

At 8wks it very well could be Marek's disease. You still want to investigate other avenues, get a fecal float to rule out Coccidiosis overload, think if she may have eaten anything rotten or ingested poisons/toxins.
Vitamin E, B1 and egg for selenium may be helpful as well.

I have 14 mature hens and a rooster I have six other 6-8 week old chicks in the brooder and I have 15 eggs in in the incubator with three chicks in a separate brooder that have not been introduced to the flock yet. I will also include a video below with what she's doing today for energy seems good but her condition is not changed at all.
her droppings seem normal maybe slightly watery but they don't seem to have changed much. This particular chick is a Sapphire gem that I got at Tysons along with two others plus three Americana checksperiod about a week later I was in at the store and noticed one chick that didn't appear to be doing well and it was much younger than this one but the symptoms looked similar as far as flopping on its back and being weak and really unable to control its legs.
Oh and she's on non medicated chick starter. I did recently switch from find shaved wood chips for bedding to dry grass clippings so maybe she came into contact with something from the yard clippings? Or she picked it up from the hatchery or from theisens.
Flopping on the back sounds neurological, she very well could have a disease like Marek's.
Getting a fecal float and gram stain can help rule out parasites and infection. Check the crop to make sure it's emptying properly and evaluate you feed to make sure it's not old or moldy.
If you happen to lose her, refrigerate the body and send her to your State Lab, this will give you some answers. https://vetmed.iastate.edu/vdl
Here are some pics. I wasn't fond of having to create the sling but since she has pulled through 3 days I did it. Never thought it was something I would do, lol.


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Do you have a video of her or some photos of what she looks like?
What are you feeding her?
What does the poop look like?
How may other 8wk olds do you have?
Sorry I keep trying to upload a video but it isn't letting me. I will keep trying.

At 8wks it very well could be Marek's disease. You still want to investigate other avenues, get a fecal float to rule out Coccidiosis overload, think if she may have eaten anything rotten or ingested poisons/toxins.
Vitamin E, B1 and egg for selenium may be helpful as well.

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