8 week old just beginning to get weak


Jul 4, 2015
Hi! I have 31 chicks and roosters...29 plus 2. They are 8 weeks of age, and we have not lost a one. They have all been doing so well, growing, eating, etc. Yesterday our coop (12 x 24 ft) was ready for them. When we went to place them in a box..a few at a time(large box), I noticed a barred rock just lying there.. I didn't think much of it. Today when we went to check on them and put more supplies in, she was still lying, and listing to her side. I put feed down for her and she was ravenous. Took her to water and she drank. She tried to stand and fell over. We have separated her and given her food and water. She can see the other chicks. We understand chick just die undiagnosed, however was just wondering if anyone has any thoughts for this age group? Thanks. This is our first batch.
Hi! Have you wormed them? I had one get weak like that and folks here recommend worming. I, of course was sure it was something REALLY bad. But I wormed them and with in 2 days she was noticeably better and by 4 days was a whole new chick. Could hardly believe it was that easy. Hope this helps! Oh, if you aren't already, sometimes it helps to have 2 or 3 feeders and waterers so you can be sure that everyone can get to them. Good luck!
Hi! Have you wormed them? I had one get weak like that and folks here recommend worming. I, of course was sure it was something REALLY bad. But I wormed them and with in 2 days she was noticeably better and by 4 days was a whole new chick. Could hardly believe it was that easy. Hope this helps! Oh, if you aren't already, sometimes it helps to have 2 or 3 feeders and waterers so you can be sure that everyone can get to them. Good luck!

WHEN is the age for first working?
I have not wormed them. They have not been exposed to the outside as yet. Is deworming a scheduled thing to do? She seems to be scooting around a little, without standing up. I am wondering if there is something wrong with her leg or wing?

Thanks for the input. I am a newby...a nurse of people...not poultry.
According to what i read online, the first worming age is 9 weeks. My chicks are 3 weeks now and doing good but i always give them garlic and they like it so much. Garlic is a natural anti viral and biotic source, its good for humans too.
Hi, there are a lot of folks on here who have great info on worming. I'd search when to worm, or something like that. I usually worm mine once a year, during the winter when they aren't laying much anyway. And my chicks, right before they join the big girls ( around 3 months) or before if I see an issue. The first time I wormed for a lethargic chic, as mentioned above, I used "pig swig" as recommended by the guy the guy at the feed store. He said they had folks come in with that issue every so often and that this should work. That time the chucks were maybe 3 weeks old, which is pretty young, but I am sure that u wormed, my chick would have died. Since then I have found a lot of other advise on what wormers to use, but can't remember the name off the top if my head. You will also find dosage info on here as well. Good luck! Hope your little one is better soon!
Thanks guys! She seems stronger, eating well, just cannot stand. She does move around, though, scooting. I think she may have an injured leg . She may not recover. So sad, she is trying. All I had this weekend was probiotic and put in water. How do you give garlic? Juice, cloves crushed or how. They are still on chick feed. ACV is also in water.

Thanks for your input. I may try a small worming dose, I will see how she is doing tomorrow.
Does garlic de-worm chicks? We are also new to having chicks. Ours are 8 weeks old and doing great on Organic Chick Starter and bugs. They Love to be out in the yard eating bugs! Japanese Beetles are one of their faves! Any advise you can give would be greatly appreciated!!!! TIA.

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