8 weeks. Okay to be outside? Tonight's low 34


May 7, 2015
Lillington, NC
I just brought home two approx 8 week old Ameraucana pullets and have them in a cordoned off section of our main coop. Tonight's low will be 34. We don't use supplemental heat in our coop. Do you think they will be okay?
Were they in a very warm environment before? They should be feathered out and do fine, unless they were in a very warm space. Extra bedding and no drafts should work out anyway. Mary
Thanks! They came from a breeder who had them outside, but with a heat lamp.I put a 5 gal bucket in there on its side with a bunch of pine shavings for them to huddle in. I don't even know if they will use it, but I would! Haha! My avatar is a silkie bantam mix, thanks!
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