8 weeks old chicks, medicated vs unmedicated feed


12 Years
Aug 12, 2011
Baldwinsville, NY
My chicks will be 8 weeks old on Monday and i'm wondering if it would be safe to feed them unmedicated grower mash. I have been feeding them medicated feed for the last 7 weeks ,I've read that between 4-8 weeks they have a higher chance of getting cocci. They are going thru 50 lbs a week and it is costly to buy the medicated vs feed mill grower mash. I have 35 chicks. If it's safer to feed them the medicated I will. I've lost chicks in the past from cocci and I don't want it to happen again. Thank You
ETA: I do give them ACV in their water
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That's a tough one as you will find BYC folks on both sides of the fence on that issue. Some want the disease protection, others want to go the more natural organic route. Personally, I used medicated for the 1st 6-8 weeks and then switched to un-medicated. I just figured it would be more worth to me to go that way in case they would have gotten sick without it and wiped out my whole batch. I respect those who go the other way.
Chicks should be on medicated starter for 8 weeks, but that is 8 weeks after they have contact with soil.


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