8 wk old chicken found dead


10 Years
Dec 27, 2011
Southern PA
Hello, all. This morning I found one of my chicks dead this morning. There were not any outward signs of illness nor did she appear "damaged" when I found her this morning.

Any thoughts? Or suggestions about anything I should be doing for the others - who, again, appear just fine.

Super strange.
Were they outside? If so, do you live somewhere colder (60 degrees or cooler about) Eight week old chicks cannot withstand chilly weather. Also, they could've been fed something that is toxic to them. Many poisons can take days or weeks to kill them leaving you bewildered. Also, sometimes younger chickens die because they are weak. Sorry for your loss. :(
In an 8 week old chick I would first consider coccidiosis as problem. Symptoms are lethargy, standing around puffed up ot too weak to stand, not eating and drinking well, and diarrhea or blod in droppings. Corid (amprollium) a cattle medicine from the feed store is the best treatment. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid Corid or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water for 5 days in the the only source of water. Look at your chicks to see if any are acting strnage, and consider treating them all. Sorry for your loss. Click on this link for more on cocci: http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2012/12/coccidiosis-what-backyard-chicken.html
Oh. Good thinking! I assume that I can feed that to all of them even if they don't have it. Is that right?

I did notice some reddish stool - but thought I was seeing things - so, it could be.
If they were vaccinated for coccidiosis, then the Corid would negate the vaccine. Was it the unvaccinated bantam that died? If they weren't vaccinated for cocci, they can get the Corid without a problem. Many chicks are vaccinated for Mareks, and some are additionally vaccinated for coccidiosis.
It was a Maran that I lost. And now that I looked back they were just vaccinated for Mareks. So, I will start them on Corid tomorrow.

If I lose any more, would you have many additional suggestions?

Thank you!

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