8 year old hen having difficulty swallowing

I have started with the antibiotics and the bumps have not gotten worse, but
Dev is worse. Swallowing is hard that she is occasionally drooling.
I have been giving her trimethoprim sulfa for 3 days now, the vet prescribed 14 days. Should I stop? Would I have seen signs of improvement by now?
@coach723 @dawg53
Since you have the meds, there is no reason to stop them, unless you feel she's just failing and giving them is just stressing her and not doing any good. If a bird stops digesting, then I generally stop any oral medications since they will just be sitting in the crop and not moving to where they can do any good. Sometimes antibiotics can take some time to bring improvement, if they are going to. The medication levels have to be up consistently in the bird at the correct levels to do their job. If it's cancer, and it sounds like that is likely, then the antibiotics won't help that. It's really hard to say, since we don't really know exactly what is going on with her. Cancers are not uncommon, I've lost a fair amount of birds to various ones, they generally slowly fail until they succumb. If it's cancer then she may have tumors in places that are not obvious from outside.

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