8 year old hen with sour crop? I need help treating it.

She walked in the playpen I have setup for one of my drakes and pekin duck hen.
She also pooped.

I am going to leave her be now she is going to stay in the playpen until I think she needs to go back into the coop.
Won't eat, drinks lots and is lethargic but is still quit alert.
Her crop feels full of liquid with a little bit of feed or rocks in it.

I have been a little concerned about their eyelids looking the way they do but I've never thought to much about it

She ate some coconut oil!

She almost aspirated a few minutes ago, her beak was all covered in mucus.
What do I do? I want to make sure she doesn't possibly "dry drown" if that's possible with how much she might have breathed in.

She smells pretty gross almost like what Broken toes sour crop liquid smelled like.
I would begin treating for Sour Crop.
Do you still have Miconazole?
Give her 1tsp of hardened coconut oil chunks twice a day and the Miconazole.
Make food and water available, if she want to drink, then let her.

Did she aspirate when you tried giving water or she just aspirated on her own?

I think with her age and symptoms, sadly she may be in a state of decline just like Broken Toe was. I'm sorry about that.
Treat her symptoms, but let her move about if she wants. It's probably a good idea to keep the rooster away from her though.

She doesn't have Infectious Coryza, her eyes and face are those of an old hen that is weary.
Infectious coryza? Her face worries me. That's not normal.
Your hen looks perfectly miserable. Get some miconazole vaginal cream. Squirt some directly out of the tube into her mouth like you were squirting whipped cream. Do it two times a day, and up to three times a day for seven days.

She looks like she might have a fungal infection on her comb and around her face. Rub a little of the miconazole on all of those rough areas once a day until it clears up.
I would begin treating for Sour Crop.
Do you still have Miconazole?
Give her 1tsp of hardened coconut oil chunks twice a day and the Miconazole.
Make food and water available, if she want to drink, then let her.

Did she aspirate when you tried giving water or she just aspirated on her own?

I think with her age and symptoms, sadly she may be in a state of decline just like Broken Toe was. I'm sorry about that.
Treat her symptoms, but let her move about if she wants. It's probably a good idea to keep the rooster away from her though.

She doesn't have Infectious Coryza, her eyes and face are those of an old hen that is weary.
I looked out the window and saw her head on the ground and her butt was kind of in the air, and then the rooster hopped on her. I went out after I saw him on her.
She had the liquid from her crop all over her beak and she seemed like she wasn't able to breath very well for a few minutes after and during her head being near the ground when she was aspirating.

I don't have micanzole as far as I know.
I feel like she is just a bit stinky or it was the shavings for the guinea keets that I was smelling.

I will give her some more coconut oil here in few minutes and then that will be the last I give her for today.
Its been getting pretty cold at night the last few nights so I am going to put her in the coop tonight but I hope that maybe I will if nesicary be able to have her in a separate area at night so she isn't getting pushed around possibly.

For the last few weeks Angel and Chiharu (they are ducks) re being kept seperate at night in the playpen too make more space for the rest of the chickens and ducks in the coop (it started because the drakes were fighting so I separated both drakes from each other for a while) so she the chances of her being pushed around at dusk or in the first few hours of day light the ducks are more active when they are locked up at those times are less.
Your hen looks perfectly miserable. Get some miconazole vaginal cream. Squirt some directly out of the tube into her mouth like you were squirting whipped cream. Do it two times a day, and up to three times a day for seven days.

She looks like she might have a fungal infection on her comb and around her face. Rub a little of the miconazole on all of those rough areas once a day until it clears up.
Thank you!
I never thought that her comb could have a fungal infection.
I will see if we have some micanzole.
If we don't what should I use in place of it if anything at all, until we can get some micanzole?
What did you use when Broken Toe was not well? I thought you had given her a yeast cream, forgive me if I'm thinking of something else.
No, sadly I didn't do very much for Broken toe, at least I feel like I didn't do very much.

I didn't really know what to do with Broken toe and I was also very hesitant to do anything as I didn't want to mess up.
But this time I am going to be more proactive and be less hesitant and do what I feel is nessicary when nessicary.
I will see if the next time my mom goes into town if she can get some micanzole.

Do any of you have any suggestions for a name for her? I want to be able to type a name in for her and not be saying "her" or "the chicken" and things like that.
:hugs You did well with Broken Toe. Sadly she was in her last days and I fear this lady is on the same path :(

Does she have something unique about her personality? Does she remind you of something like a flower, a character out of a book you like or something?

If she gets really bad off, will your Dad put her out of her misery for you? I would hate for you to have to go through what you did with Broken Toe again. That was a hard thing for you to have to deal with by yourself.
:hugs You did well with Broken Toe. Sadly she was in her last days and I fear this lady is on the same path :(

Does she have something unique about her personality? Does she remind you of something like a flower, a character out of a book you like or something?

If she gets really bad off, will your Dad put her out of her misery for you? I would hate for you to have to go through what you did with Broken Toe again. That was a hard thing for you to have to deal with by yourself.
Thank you!
It was pretty hard for me Broken toes passing, but it's a huge relief that shes gone.
I feel that her toe was something that would make her life less enjoyable if she did recover.

I am now more comfortable and prepared for euthanizing this hen whether I do it myself or my dad does it, I know that it's best for her if it comes to that.
My main question is how should we put her down?

When the time comes if it does, whether or not my dad can put her down depends on if he is home at the time if and when it's needed.
Me, my mom and a few of my siblings are always home for the most part, so if he's not home and she needs to be euthanized I will most likely have help.
(I have as many siblings as I do chickens, most of the ones who would probably be able to help euthanize a chicken have moved out so hopefully if she needs to be culled my dad will be able to help).

I have been making sure I say the things I want to say to her before she goes if she does.
I have been more talkative to all my birds since Broken toe passed.
Her "sister" is named Darth vader, I think this hen was named something that started with a P but I could be wrong.
And one of her other "sisters" (who passed away a few years ago) was almost always following me around when I was messing with their feed or finding worms for them during the summer.

I cant think of anything about her personality right now:( I don't think I've paid much attention to her before she also wasn't always where I could see her.
I feel like her and Darth Vader are like reserved old lady's at least in recent years.
They follow the rooster a lot and they stay with the other old hens.
She doesn't seem to pick on anyone but she isn't afraid to tell them off if she doesn't like another hens behavior.
I would say appearance wise she reminds me of a appaloosa horse with a leopard coat (hopefully you all know what I am talking about) or a day where the snow is melting but some spots are still a little covered with snow, kind of like the pattern of her feathers, if that makes sense, or even a black and white movie, and cause she is quit silent, even a silent film if you will.
Maybe a mountain with a bit of snow on top would be a better description of the snow thing I mentioned earlier.

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