8 year old pekin duck cant walk very well. This isn't an emergency I just need advice.

I think tomorrow or maybe even today, I am going to get enough food ready just off Angel and put the b complex on just some of it or maybe kind of sprinkle it on the food, maybe that will work.
Idk, I'll figure something out.
Sounds like a good plan. She won't starve herself to avoid eating it. If she spends the day foraging she might find it easier to pass on dinner, so don't be too discouraged if you try again later and it doesn't work, that'll just make her that much less likely to resist when you put it on her food again in the morning.
So earlier today, I made some wet feed just enough to fill Angel I put the complex in the feed and stirred it a little and then brought Angel into the breezeway so the others weren't eating it, anyways she ate all of her food she of course left some crumbs but that's okay as I believe she got the basically all of the complex that I put in the feed.

I have bananas now, they're still too green to use though so I'll have to wait a day or so more in order for them to be ripe enough.
Angel has been walking really well!
She went in the backyard with everyone else yesterday and went back to the front too.
This is her in the backyard yesterday.
She's on the far left of the photo


This is her today.

When I was out feeding them today she walled back and forth to different spots that had feed!
I am going to give her more b complex a couple days from now.
I kind of stopped giving the b complex to her after we reached about 7 or 8 days of giving it to her.


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I had stopped giving Angel the b complex everyday for a while and she started having a slightly harder time walking again, but I've gotten back to giving it to her daily.
Today is probably the 4th day of getting back to giving Angel the b complex (on a smallish Piece of bread now) and she's walking a little better again.
I want to get some nutritional yeast, I would like to hear your recommendations on what kind or brand of nutritional yeast to get.

Here's some photos of Angel from about 2 hours ago. Almost all her feathers are in really good condition right now but some of her wing feathers are still not great.


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I've been giving Angel the b complex more regularly again, we also had to get a differnt kind of all flock as the other stuff wasn't available and I realise the other stuff we got a few times times didn't seem to help Angel any as since we went back to the old all flock we first started getting, she's be walking better she's still not walking as much as I'd like her to but when she walks she's a little faster and seems to stand taller and seems stronger in general. She still trips a lot, I think she does have some issues from being deficient for so long that I think she may not ever walk one hundred percent normally again.

Here's a few pictures of her from yesterday the ducks were enjoying the water especially Angel.


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Yeah, I think you're probably right. But she's pretty old for a duck too, so I'd still consider any improvements a major success. I'm happy for the both of you!
Yes, even the slightest improvements make me and Angel so happy!
She's old and has been through a lot too, she's been bit by a dog 5 or 6 years ago she probably would've been killed if not for her falling into one of the window wells saving her from the dogs reach. A neighbor had just moved in basically and their coon hound got out and killed about 9 of our chickens and bit Angel.
Horrible day that was especially for the chickens the dog got to.
Thank you all for your advice and everything I always appreciate it!
I got some more pictures of Angel when I fed the chickens and ducks earlier today.

She's getting new wing feathers in.

Angels feathers have been doing so well lately.
And I feel like she walked really well earlier today, when I was taking these pictures.
What kind of nutritional yeast do you get? Or like what brand I guess, where do you get it at? I really want to start supplementing their feed with it. I just don't really know what kind to get.
Yes, even the slightest improvements make me and Angel so happy!
She's old and has been through a lot too, she's been bit by a dog 5 or 6 years ago she probably would've been killed if not for her falling into one of the window wells saving her from the dogs reach. A neighbor had just moved in basically and their coon hound got out and killed about 9 of our chickens and bit Angel.
Horrible day that was especially for the chickens the dog got to.

Aww that's unfortunate. I have some newer neighbors whose hound dog has been finding its way on to my property recently. Fortunately, my own blood hound spotted him the first time before he could find my ducks, but I have no doubt if he had found them, he'd make quick work of them. He's a nice dog, but I've had to stop him from chasing stray cats and antelope, so he's clearly untrained. I've since reinforced my entire run considerably.

What kind of nutritional yeast do you get? Or like what brand I guess, where do you get it at? I really want to start supplementing their feed with it. I just don't really know what kind to get.

I had a hard time finding any local. I had to go to a GNC in the mall and buy an overpriced jar. I believe the brand was 'Now'. I've seen Josh's Frogs Animal Grade Brewers Yeast recommended in the duck forum before. That's probably what I'd buy if I were looking for more.
Aww that's unfortunate. I have some newer neighbors whose hound dog has been finding its way on to my property recently. Fortunately, my own blood hound spotted him the first time before he could find my ducks, but I have no doubt if he had found them, he'd make quick work of them. He's a nice dog, but I've had to stop him from chasing stray cats and antelope, so he's clearly untrained. I've since reinforced my entire run considerably.
They got another coon hound like last year they already have one that they got at some point after the other one that attacked our chickens but he's a good boy and hasn't gotten out far as I've seen or remember. The new one is still a bit of a puppy but she'd get out a lot by jumping or digging under their fence, these neighbors have chickens now themselves. I think they've taught the new one to leave chickens alone as when she would come to our property she never seemed to bother the chickens.
And were friends with these neighbors at least my younger sisters are friends with their kids.
I had a hard time finding any local. I had to go to a GNC in the mall and buy an overpriced jar. I believe the brand was 'Now'. I've seen Josh's Frogs Animal Grade Brewers Yeast recommended in the duck forum before. That's probably what I'd buy if I were looking for more.
I've seen the 'Now' stuff recommended before on another website but I wanted to find out if that's the best option or not.

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