80's Themed Skate Party, call you please help me come up with an outfit?????


9 Years
Oct 13, 2010
Franklin, NC
I just received my invite for an 80's themed skate party!!!! While I am really looking forward to it I am also dreading it because I have no clue what to wear. I am thinking of going for a punk rock kind of look but I'm not sure
I have a pair of black legging with white polka dots that I could maybe use? I wouldn't mine wearing a skirt or dress but it has to be something that will work with skating, and falling since I've never skated before! There are just so many ways you can go with this and I'm getting overwhelmed!!! Any help would be great!!

Thank You
I was in highschool in the 80's and what I remember most was BIG BAND HAIR! So if you have any length in your hair at all - - start by teasing it out real big! Then... LOTS of eye make up. They use to call me Miss Maybeline because my eye shadow was like a rainbow. ha ha If you want to do 80's rock or pop star... you can look up pics of Madonna from the 80's ... she was always fun to imitate.I went to an 80's party a couple years ago and my favorite costume was a guy in the silky short running type shorts with a fitted tshirt with a screen printed from.. shirt tucked in of course... and tube sock pulled up high. It was classic early 80's! Good luck!!
guy in the silky short running type shorts with a fitted tshirt with a screen printed from.. shirt tucked in of course... and tube sock pulled up high. It was classic early 80's! Good luck!!

Um.... These shorts, an those socks? lol Still need those fuzzy wrist bands an a Walkman with headphones....

It amazes me how I will make fun of my self for a good laugh...
Thanks everyone!!! I have a friend doing my makeup for me. I think I'm going to just put my hair in a side ponytail... I tried to tease it but my hair being so strait refuses to puff >:| Anymore ideas?!?!?!?!?!?!? :D

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