9 hens haven’t laid a single egg in months!

re the fairy lights in the coop - I read that it's actually better to have the extra light in the early morning because at night if the light abruptly shuts off they will be disoriented and have a hard time roosting if they haven't gotten up there yet.
Mine all roost about the same time every night. Currently in winter that is all in the coop and on the perches by 1730. The light goes from then until 2130. In the morn the same three run to the nesting boxes to start the egg train. Works really well. I also do the morning on the severe cold mornings too. I made sure to get a subtle yellow lantern light hue so it isn't a huge change when it goes off.
6 x 4 is 24 sq. feet. That is really small for nine chickens. I do 4 sqaure feet per chicken, only because they are not cooped up all of the time and they have a four foot deck we enclose in the winter. They have a very large free space predator proof yard outside instead of a long run so they get plenty of freedom.

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