9 smart chicks…1 dumb chick ❤️

She really seems pretty spunky now but the only problem is she won’t go back into the warm spot. All she does is try to climb out of the box…all the others figured out to stay in the warmth fast but this one just doesn’t get it. She’s chirping up a storm trying to get out the side.
Chickens are social animals. She is lonely. I'd put her back out with the others but observe what happens.

I had a chick somewhat like that once. Although I dipped her beak when I put her in the brooder she never learned to drink, not even by watching the others. She was standing around giving that plaintive chirp so I knew something was wrong. When I dipped her beak again and sat her by the water she stood there drinking a lot.

I think that was the same chick that made the dumbest broody hen I've ever had. She kept losing her chicks. The rooster helped her out several times when she got separated but I think even he was getting disgusted with her. She had trouble learning.

Each one has its own personality and each one has its own level of intelligence. I understand why you call her DC. It's possible she has a vitamin deficiency but I think you may have to help her learn where warmth is.
Chickens are social animals. She is lonely. I'd put her back out with the others but observe what happens.

I had a chick somewhat like that once. Although I dipped her beak when I put her in the brooder she never learned to drink, not even by watching the others. She was standing around giving that plaintive chirp so I knew something was wrong. When I dipped her beak again and sat her by the water she stood there drinking a lot.

I think that was the same chick that made the dumbest broody hen I've ever had. She kept losing her chicks. The rooster helped her out several times when she got separated but I think even he was getting disgusted with her. She had trouble learning.

Each one has its own personality and each one has its own level of intelligence. I understand why you call her DC. It's possible she has a vitamin deficiency but I think you may have to help her learn where warmth is.
Who am I to give advice,
But I agree...if she's spunky and trying to get out I'd stick her back out with everyone else. 💗
Good luck!
Chickens are social animals. She is lonely. I'd put her back out with the others but observe what happens.

I had a chick somewhat like that once. Although I dipped her beak when I put her in the brooder she never learned to drink, not even by watching the others. She was standing around giving that plaintive chirp so I knew something was wrong. When I dipped her beak again and sat her by the water she stood there drinking a lot.

I think that was the same chick that made the dumbest broody hen I've ever had. She kept losing her chicks. The rooster helped her out several times when she got separated but I think even he was getting disgusted with her. She had trouble learning.

Each one has its own personality and each one has its own level of intelligence. I understand why you call her DC. It's possible she has a vitamin deficiency but I think you may have to help her learn where warmth is.
That’s what I did 🤷‍♀️. She wanted company and the cheeping was so loud I was afraid the cat would get her while I was out. Time will tell I guess! So far so good though; with eight others to follow, she ought to figure things out.
I got chicks last year. they did great with the MHP but it got turned off somehow (think my cats stepped on the buttons) and it got cold under there since we weren't home. One chick was cold and "flopped over" the rest were ok and while not happy still spunky. We took that one out and held her with a heating pad while she warmed up, gave her warm sugar water with nutridrench in it to perk her back up. She came around and got active then we put her back. She did great after that. She is now almost a year old and I can barely tell her apart from the other one of the same breed I got at the same time. (she also almost died a couple days before this and my daughter nursed her back to health and she was doing great till the no heat thing). while I don't think there was anything wrong with her I do think she may have just been a little bit weaker than the others. But as I said she is completely fine now.

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